Amusement Park
MFN’s team writes first class feasibility study reports. Indeed, hundreds of companies worldwide have utilized our feasibility services. Our staff of researchers, business plan and financial consultants and attorneys have written hundreds of feasibility study documents in more than 50 countries. We have written feasibility studies for a diverse range of industries and businesses, including real estate development, oil, gas and energy, product launching, scientific exploration and much more.
A feasibility study is conducted prior to a project’s undertaking such as an amusement park development. Principals of companies and their investors want to ensure that any given project they plan on developing is actually “feasible”, and preparing a study showing this feasibility is the main point of writing such a report (which of course will help save needed capital and time in the long run). A feasibility study includes such vital information and data as the funding needs to complete the project, the market opportunity, government regulations, risk factors, strength and weaknesses, the management team and the financials of the company. While a feasibility study somewhat sounds like a business plan, such reports tend to be many times longer with more details on the market and financials.
MFN’s team is respected for its keen insights into any given market, and our straight forward assessment regarding a projects viability. We work one-on-one with our clients to ensure that each project is specifically tailored to the company’s needs.
Various Types of Feasibility Study Reports
MFN’s team can assist with any of the noted feasibility studies below. Each separate study has its own features but there are more similarities among them than there are differences.
4 Main Feasibility Studies
Real Estate Feasibility –
This is the most common feasibility study that we at MFN write. Real estate feasibility reports include such features as the land survey, building permits, zoning laws, impact on the surrounding environment and natural habits, traffic issues and general impact on businesses in the area as well as the overall market opportunity. Housing developments such as condos, single family homes and apartments, or larger projects such as hotels or buildings or sky scrapers often create real estate feasibility studies before land acquisition and development.
Comprehensive Feasibility–
A comprehensive feasibility study is an all-inclusive report that takes into consideration some of the most rational business practices one should implement before undertaking any project. The comprehensive feasibility includes data on land acquisitions and real estate issues, economic and cultural impact on the greater surrounding areas, and more. Such comprehensive studies can be found in our business plan features (if a client wants a very long and detailed analysis). The comprehensive feasibility study is also referenced in the real estate feasibility study (see above) and together with the real estate report is the most popular feasibility study we offer.
Financial Economic Feasibility–
An economic feasibility study is conducted when a company wants to know if the proposed amount of capital and financing is sufficient to complete a project successfully. While a business plan may have a section called the “CBA” or cost-benefit-analysis, in an economic feasibility study it will be greater in detail and have more statistics and numbers in the financials.
Marketing Feasibility–
The marketing feasibility studies the market impact and penetration, such as the demographics, target market, product testing and more. Prior to launching a project into the market, whether in a local, regional, national or global environment, a viable study on the market is imperative.
Additional Feasibility Studies
Our firm has also written and assisted with the following additional (not as popular) feasibility reports, including
Technical Feasibility
If a company has the technological know how and resources to achieve its goals
Schedule Feasibility
Is there enough time and resources to complete the project on time?
Cultural Feasibility–
Local and greater cultural and societal impact.
Operational Feasibility
can your firm solve difficulties and maximize potential opportunities during the development.
Legal and Ethical Feasibility
Are there ethical and legal implications of a project and if so what are they?
Resource Feasibility
-What resources are needed and is that enough to complete the project successfully?
Information assessment and collection
- Initial analysis of the proposed development area, including the initial demographics
- Conduct land or site review
- Proposed construction and development costs
Market analysis
- Demographic analysis of proposed area
- Neighborhood analysis
- Demographic comparison
- Municipal incentives
- National market overview
- Analysis of similar project or developments
- Regional market analysis
- Competitive market analysis
- Competitive advantages of project or location
- Disadvantages of project or location
- Projected overall market
- Pricing analysis
- Purchases or occupancy
- Interviews if needed
- Financial analysis
Management summary
- Principals
- Advisors
- Third party team, i.e. law firm, accountant etc.
Financial Statements and Projections
- Pro forma
- Balance sheet
- Income statement
- Profit and loss
Appendixes and Addendum
Once complete we will then send the draft version of the feasibility study for review and comments.
Start to Finish
MFN is a one-stop company for all your feasibility study, prospectus, business plan or offering document needs. Our team has been involved in literally thousands of projects. We have set the bar high for feasibility study performance, taking into consideration time constraints and budgets. We pride ourselves on offering superior service – not just on a local or national level but on a global scale – at a fraction of the cost of our competitors and usually twice as fast. We give our clients the tools they need to make an educated decision about the business opportunity at hand by producing a market driven, financially conscience feasibility study. The success of our clients is the number goal of our company.
MFN is a one-stop company for all your feasibility study, prospectus, business plan or offering document needs. Our team has been involved in literally thousands of projects. We have set the bar high for feasibility study performance, taking into consideration time constraints and budgets. We pride ourselves on offering superior service – not just on a local or national level but on a global scale – at a fraction of the cost of our competitors and usually twice as fast. We give our clients the tools they need to make an educated decision about the business opportunity at hand by producing a market driven, financially conscience feasibility study. The success of our clients is the number goal of our company.
Feel free to reach out to us any time for a free consultation for your amusement park feasibility study.
Feasibility Study